The UPP Service Catalogue provides a one-stop location to find information about UPP services and activities.
You find out more about specific Services here.
- Maintenance and improvement to the Student Load Planning Tool
- Co-ordination of the annual student load planning process on behalf of the University
- Engage with customers and identify needs with respect to the delivery and use of the SLP tool
- Document business rules, processes and training manuals
- Deliver training to customers and UPP staff
- Provision of statutory reports and monitoring of compliance
- Prepare for transition to ‘self-service’ mode
- Document new ways of working and monitor compliance
- Verification and administration of SRC files to support Student Experience & Graduate Outcomes surveys
- Follow strategic and business plans and priorities and identify emerging BI trends
- Build capabilities in analysis and reporting to support the needs of the University
- Deliver University wide platforms for business intelligence
- Build staff capability in business intelligence and reporting across the administration of the University
- Provide analytical assessment and narrative for reports
- Maintain and provide access to the Info Hub Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) - Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Warehouse and Power BI
- Maintain and manage servers and services in relation to the University enterprise data platforms
- Provide data, visualisations, dashboards and reports to the University
- Co-ordination of user and analysts access to EDW
- Provision of data engineering services to support the EDW
- Transition of legacy integrations from SAS Data Warehouse to UNSW IT Integration team
- Document business rules and standard reports
- Increase capacity for users to self-service
- Work with customers, partners and stakeholders to help them see and understand their data
- Develop a data engineering capability to support the new data platforms
- Develop capability in AI and machine learning for predictive analytics to assist the University in better understanding data
- Co-ordinate access to data visualisation tools and co-ordinate vendor based training
- Provide institutional dashboards and reporting
- Skills and knowledge development for UPP staff and UNSW user base
- Developing and promulgating Data Governance policies and management guidelines across the University across Administration, Learning & Teaching, and Research
- Accuracy and reliability of UNSW data
- Data Governance web resources
- Create the Data Governance Centre of Excellence (COE)
- Delivery of Data Governance COE information workshops for UPP staff and customers
- Maintain the University wide performance management framework
- Provide performance reports to Council, Faculties, Divisions and Management Board
- Assist in the setting of performance goals
- Work with stakeholders and customers to identify their planning requirements and priorities
- Provide predictive analytics to assist with strategic plans
- Train staff in the essential analytic and writing skills
- Delivery of Performance Reporting (UNSW Scorecards, Council KPI’s etc) information workshops for UPP staff
- Manage UNSW participation in the UniForum data collection processes
- Perform analyses of the data
- Analyse UNSW’s position in its competitive landscape
- Involve more UPP staff members in the collection and analysis of the data
- Develop analytics and narrative to underpin the information for Faculties, Divisions and Management Committee
- Develop data strategies for the University Administration, Learning & Teaching, and Research in consultation with relevant stakeholders
- Deliver outcomes as identified per data strategies
- Build a stronger understanding of the stakeholder and customer base
- Identify effective ways of communicating with the various groups to assess their requirements of UPP, the data and the technology
- Develop and maintain a Calendar of activities for UPP that identifies milestones and deliverables
- Make the Calendar available to all UNSW staff
- Audit and document skills of staff
- Build into the everyday activities opportunities for staff members to cross-skill or learn new skills
- Review and utilise the workload formula in conjunction with the Calendar to enable staff to see what is happening, identify priorities and build in training
- Develop an understanding of basic and more advanced statistical concepts and terminology for effective use of statistical information
- Identify and promulgate UPP/UNSW values and expectations of staff behaviour
- Celebrate achievements of the group and of individuals